Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to Topics
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Intersoft WebGrid > How-to Topics

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This topic lists the how-to and FAQ topics of WebGrid and describes how to implement the wide range of WebGrid features in your ASP.NET projects.

Displaying Data

How-to: Hide (+) sign in hierarchical mode

How-to: Bind WebGrid after PostBack (Late Binding)

How-to: Remove (+) sign for Self Reference LoadOnDemand rows that contain no Child Row

How-to: Display Self-Referencing Hierarchical Data

How-to: Sort Self-Referencing Child data

How-to: Implement Classic Paging in Client Binding

How-to: Bind client-binding to Client DataSource

How-to: Use Batch Update Client Binding

How-to: Enable Virtual Group Row Paging

How-to: Preload Group Totals with VirtualLoad Paging

How-to: Remove (+) sign for rows that do not contain child row

How-to: Display Hierarchical data in TreeView mode

Sorting Data

How-to: Sort Column Initially

How-to: Disable automatic sort in a specific table

How-to: Perform sorting data and apply multiple sorting in WebGrid

How-to: Set SortAscImage and SortDescImage to Images located in root application directory

Grouping Data

How-to: Group column initially

How-to: Perform grouping and ungrouping in WebGrid

How-to: Hide/Show the grouped column when the column is grouped

How-to: Change the format of GroupRowInfo

How-to: Display group by box

How-to: Customize Group Intervals

Filtering Data

How-to: Filter column initially

How-to: Disable automatic filter in a specific table

How-to: Use 'Enter' key to filter data

How-to: Perform filtering data and hide Filter Bar in WebGrid

How-to: Filter invisible column

How-to: Add and remove Filtered Column programmatically

How-to: Use WebCombo as Filter Editing Control

How-to: Enable Automatic Filter suggestion

Editing Data

How-to: Implement custom Editing Form

How-to: Perform adding a new row

How-to: Perform editing a row

How-to: Display an alert message before adding, deleting or updating a row

How-to: Customize Keyboard Support for Data Editing

How-to: Customize Row Lost Focus Action

How-to: Disable Editing in certain columns

How-to: Set default text for specific columns

How-to: Prevent empty data input

How-to: Reconfigure the 'Enter' key functions on EditMode

How-to: Maintain the new row's value when there is error during adding action

How-to: Display CallOut Notification during Batch Update

How-to: Use Custom Object with Batch Update

How-to: Get pending changes based on row state

How-to: Get all pending changes in WebGrid

How-to: Get pending changes on specific table

How-to: Undo changes on specific row

How-to: Accept all changes

How-to: Perform Bulk Update on a Button Click event

How-to: Use DropDownList as EditType of a WebGridColumn

How-to: Configure a column to use ResizableTextBox editing type

How-to: Integrate Linked WebCombo in WebGrid

How-to: Use WebTextEditor custom editor

How-to: Enable required input validation for a column

Exporting Data

How-to: Perform exporting data

How-to: Invoke Export feature programmatically

How-to: Trigger Data Export in Client-Side Programmatically

How-to: Customize Export function

How-to: Export text when WebValueList is used

How-to: Use CacheToDisk feature to reduce memory usage

How-to: Set a different location for CacheToDisk feature

Formatting Data

How-to: Change the format of GroupRowInfo

How-to: Set masked formatting to a cell

How-to: Create FormatConditions in a specific row and cell

How-to: Use CustomConditionText in FormatConditions

Aggregating Data

How-to: Show group total for a specific table

How-to: Enable Group Footer

How-to: Hide/Show the column footers

How-to: Use Column Aggregation

How-to: Use avg aggregate in group header


How-to: Set WebGrid's row layout

How-to: Resize a column

How-to: Persist row checker during PostBack

How-to: Hide/Show the table header

How-to: Hide/Show the ColumnSet layout's headers

How-to: Remove the gridlines

How-to: Set AutoWidth and AutoHeight in WebGrid

How-to: Display a ColumnSet layout hierarchically

How-to: Create ColumnSet layout programmatically

How-to: Create ColumnSet layout when IList object is bound to WebGrid

How-to: Autofit all columns in WebGrid

How-to: Set one of the columns as AutoWidth while the others fit the WebGrid

How-to: Retrieve Preview Row's text

Pivot Charting

How-to: Enable Pivot Charting in WebGrid

How-to: Hide Chart Ribbon Initially

How-to: Customize Chart Ribbon

How-to: Customize Pivot Rules

How-to: Customize Available Chart Types

How-to: Customize Pivot Chart User Interface

How-to: Show Pivot Chart view initially

How-to: Display Pivot Chart only

How-to: Display both Pivot Chart and Grid View

How-to: Move Pivot Chart view to another container using WebTab

How-to: Set Pivot Chart's container to fit browser's width and height

How-to: Customize list of Chart Types

How-to: Customize Pivot Chart View

How-to: Demonstrate the bounds mode effect

How-to: Change the chart background appearance

How-to: Invert the chart axis value

How-to: Change the label orientation mode

How-to: Change the position of the chart legend

How-to: Change the layout of the chart legend

How-to: Change the chart title/header position in the chart image

How-to: Configure Pivot Chart Header and Legend

How-to: Change the chart wall style appearance

Paging Data

How-to: Enable load more data

How-to: Retrieve a different VirtualPageSize on a specific condition

How-to: Implement custom Virtual Load

How-to: Customize VirtualLoad Paging Size

How-to: Use VirtualLoad in Large Data

How-to: Implement Custom Load-On-Demand Paging

How-to: Customize Classic Paging Interface

How-to: Enable Pivot Chart Both View with Classic Paging

How-to: Export all data when Classic Paging is enabled

Customizing Data

How-to: Programmatically set WebValueList's DataSource

How-to: Enable Column Grouping with WebValueList

Customizing UI

How-to: Move a column

How-to: Allow select/deselect columns

How-to: Select a cell on mouse click

How-to: Display HourGlass when the Grid is in progress

How-to: Specify a different Help URL

How-to: Specify the location of image folder

How-to: Hide/Show the row headers

How-to: Hide/Show the refresh button

How-to: Hide/Show the treelines

How-to: Hide/Show the column headers

How-to: Hide the help button

How-to: Hide/Show status bar

How-to: Display context menu in WebGrid

How-to: Customize Filter context menu

How-to: Add/Remove a menu in WebGrid's context menu

How-to: Add a SubMenu in WebGrid's context menu

How-to: Use WebContextMenu as WebGrid's context menu

How-to: Persist row checker during PostBack

How-to: Get checked rows in server side

How-to: Get checked rows in client side

How-to: Specify the Localization folder in web.config

How-to: Specify a TextItem programmatically

How-to: Enable column freezing and configure initial settings

How-to: Allow user to freeze/unfreeze at runtime

How-to: Change splitter line's appearance

How-to: Enable absolute scrolling

How-to: Customize Column Freezing

How-to: Enable Default Style for existing instance of WebGrid

How-to: Access the selected rows in client side and server side

How-to: Enable Multiple Row Selection with Keyboard Support

How-to: Use ButtonImage column type and assign the Image of the Button

How-to: Enable Column Action

How-to: Add new menu items in Column Action

How-to: Set BrowserPrinterSettings

Programming with Client-side API

How-to: Add and remove Filtered Column programmatically

How-to: Hide/Show WebGrid

How-to: Reconfigure the 'Enter' key functions on EditMode

How-to: Calculate a cell after a value is filled

How-to: Open a new window that contains details of a selected row using OnButtonClick

How-to: Display the selected cell's text using OnCellSelect

How-to: Enable Cell Editing when the CheckBox is Checked Using OnCheckBoxClick

How-to: Disable a child table's column in a specific row using OnChildRowExpand

How-to: Prevent grouping on specific columns using OnColumnGroup

How-to: Validate input (number only) in a cell using OnEditKeyDown

How-to: Get the column's name when editing a cell using OnEnterEditMode

How-to: Modify other cell's value based on the selected value using OnExitEditMode

How-to: Display Delete menu item in WebGrid's context menu when in a specific row using OnRowContextMenu

How-to: Get KeyValue of selected row using OnRowSelect

How-to: Validate that a selected column cannot be empty when adding a new row using OnRowValidate

How-to: Use Basic Client APIs

How-to: Use Hierarchical Client APIs

How-to: Use Self-Reference Client APIs

How-to: Extend data editing with Client-Side APIs

How-to: Get Grid object

How-to: Get Selected row

How-to: Get row by index

How-to: Get row by KeyValue

How-to: Get a cell by index

How-to: Get a cell by name

How-to: Get a specific cell's text of a selected row

How-to: Get the row's KeyValue

How-to: Set the column's best fit

How-to: Get a column name of the selected cell

How-to: Set text to a specific cell

How-to: Trigger OnTheFlyPostBack for client side

How-to: Clear selected object

How-to: Refresh the Grid's data

How-to: Activate edit mode in a specific cell

How-to: Exit edit mode from a button click

How-to: Show/Hide Grid from client side

How-to: Set a default value in new row from a button click

How-to: Select a row from client side

How-to: Get checked rows on button click

How-to: Get parent row's KeyValue

How-to: Update or delete a row on button click

How-to: Expand/collapse child row

How-to: Get root row of ColumnSet layout

How-to: Use HiddenDataMember to get value from hidden column

How-to: Access the selected rows in client side and server side

How-to: Enable v3.5 API Support

Programming with Server-side API

How-to: Enable Cell Editing when the CheckBox is Checked Using OnCheckBoxClick

How-to: Use Custom Object with Batch Update

How-to: Access the selected rows in client side and server side


How-to: Position WebGrid relative to its container

How-to: Disable alternating color

How-to: Control WebGrid's styles using external CSS definition

How-to: Position WebGrid relative to its container

How-to: Highlight the column header on mouse over

How-to: Set column's horizontal and vertical alignment

How-to: Change the ForeColor of all odd rows

How-to: Change the ForeColor of a cell based on a specific condition

How-to: Set WebGrid cell and header as multiline and word wrap

Optimizing Performance

How-to: Enable XML compression

How-to: Configure SmartWebResources in a new web application

How-to: Disable SmartWebResources for Localization's language files

How-to: Configure FileCacheServer to use shared network's hard drive

How-to: Select a row from server side

How-to: Create WebGrid in Server-Side programmatically

How-to: Set FlyPostBackSettings

How-to: Improve performance

How-to: Optimize cache

How-to: Disable ViewState in WebGrid

How-to: Improve FlyPostBack performance

How-to: Improve performance using designer

See Also

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