Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Configure SmartWebResources in a new web application
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As the best practice in using Intersoft 2007's product lines, you are recommended to perform the following steps after you have created a new web application or migrated an existing web application.

  1. Right click on one of the Intersoft's control instance. For instance, WebGrid1.
  2. Click Register SmartWebResources™ command in the context menu.

  3. In short time after you clicked the command, you should receive a message prompt similar to the following:
    "SmartWebResources has been successfully configured for this web application."

If you are receiving an error message, it is likely that you have not installed the product properly. Please note that you can't enable this feature in older products (non 2007-platform products).

To learn more about SmartWebResources, please read Introducing SmartWebResources™.

See Also

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