Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Use Self-Reference Client APIs
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WebGrid provides a set of comprehensive client side API to let developers extend the Grid for their own use.

In this topic, you will learn how to use several Self-Reference Client-Side APIs.

To expand/collapse Self-Reference row

  1. Drag WebGrid instance into the WebForm.
  2. Add a client side function. Use ExpandSelfRefRow() to expand self-reference row and CollapseSelfRefRow() to collapse self-reference row.
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    function ToggleExpandCollapse()
       // retrieves WebGrid's object
       var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
       var selectedObject = grid.GetSelectedObject(); // return object of type SelectedObject
       if (selectedObject != null)
          var selectedRow = selectedObject.ToRowObject(); // return WebGridRow object
          if (selectedRow.SelfRefExpanded)
             selectedRow.CollapseSelfRefRow(); // collapse self reference row
             selectedRow.ExpandSelfRefRow(); // expand self reference row
          alert ("Please select a row first.");
       return true;             

  3. Run the project.

See Also

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