Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Highlight the column header on mouse over
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In this topic, you will learn how to manipulate the Column Header in order to respond with 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout' client side events so that the Column Header will be highlighted at the bottom with different colors.

To highlight column header on mouse over

  1. Obtain grid's table column header element using GetElement() method at the client side.
  2. Attach 'onmouseover' as well as 'onmouseout' events using attachEvent() method.
  3. Provide codes for 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout' js functions.

    JavaScript Copy Code
    function _wgGetTDElement(el) 
      if (el == null) return null
      if (el.tagName == "TD") return wgGetColumnByElement(el);
      else if (el.tagName == "TABLE") return null; // can't find TD
      else {
        return _wgGetTDElement(el.parentElement);
    function start() {
    // obtain WebGrid instance 
    var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
    // obtain Column Header element of the grid
    var table = grid.GetRootTable().GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG40.HTMLTABLE);
    // attach 'onmouseover' as well as 'onmouseout' events
    // so that the appropriate functions will be invoked 
    // when certain mouse actions are performed    
    table.attachEvent("onmouseover", crm_over);
    table.attachEvent("onmouseout", crm_out);
    function crm_over() { 
    // retrieve the object that fired the event
    var el = event.srcElement;   
    // obtain the grid's TD Element 
    var column = _wgGetTDElement(el);
    var td = column.GetElement();
    // override the borderBottom property at runtime 
    td.runtimeStyle.borderBottom = "orange 1px solid";
    function crm_out() {
    // retrieve the object that fired the event
    var el = event.srcElement;          
    // obtain the grid's TD Element 
    var column = _wgGetTDElement(el);
    var td = column.GetElement();
    // override the borderBottom property at runtime 
    td.runtimeStyle.borderBottom = "darkgray 1px solid";

  4. Invoke the test function in <body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout" onload="test">.
  5. Compile and run the WebForm.

See Also

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