Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Use WebCombo as Filter Editing Control
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WebGrid enhances its feature to be able to set WebCombo as Filter editing control.

In this topic, you will learn how to use WebCobmo as Filter editing control from designer.

To use WebCombo as Filter editing control

  1. Bind WebGrid to AccessDataSource (Using Products table from NorthWind data source).
  2. Bind WebCombo to AccessDataSource (Using Products table as well).
  3. Open SmartTag. Set View Name to Products, Display Member to ProductName and Value Member to ProductName.
  4. Open WebGrid.NET Designer and go to Advanced tab. Select Columns and choose ProductName.
  5. Click See all properties. Set FilterEditType to WebComboNET and WebComboID to the WebCombo ID. (In this case, the id is WebCombo1).
  6. Run the project.

See Also

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