Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Set FlyPostBackSettings
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Intersoft WebGrid > Miscellaneous WebGrid Settings > How-to: Set FlyPostBackSettings

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WebGrid provides a FlyPostBack feature which is very powerful.

In this topic, you will learn the basic thing on how to set FlyPostBack in WebGrid.

To set FlyPostBackSettings in WebGrid

  1. Open WebGrid.NET Designer.
  2. In Advanced-WebGrid-FlyPostBackSettings set:

    Property Description DefaultValue
    PostControlState Gets or sets whether CONTROL should be posted to server True
    PostHiddenFields Gets or sets whether INPUT hidden fields should be posted to server True
    PostInputControls Gets or sets whether input-related controls such as INPUT, SELECT or TEXTAREA should be posted to server False
    PostViewState Gets or sets whether VIEWSTATE should be posted to server True

  3. Click OK to apply the changes.
  4. Run the project.

See Also

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