Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Configure FileCacheServer to use shared network's hard drive
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WebGrid.NET Enterprise 5.0 now provides built-in feature to use shared network's hard drive to configure the FileCacheServer.

In this topic, you will learn how to use a shared network drive for the file server:

To configure FileCacheServer to use shared network's hard drive

  1. Bind WebGrid to AccessDataSource.
  2. Open WebGrid.NET Designer.
  3. Go to View State Settings, and set ViewStateStorage to FileServer.
  4. Set ViewStateServerConnection to "path=\\CacheServer\CacheStorage"
  5. Configure the identity of the account that has access to the server and network resources in web.config.

  6. Sample web.config setting for identity:
  7. <system.web>
       <identity impersonate="true" userName="CacheServer\CacheAccount" password="CachePassword" />

See Also

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