Many User would like to mimic the behavior of Microsoft Excel while editing some cells contents. In MS.Excel, after users modified a cell content followed by pressing Enter key the next cell at the next row (rowIndex+1) at the same column will be directly highlighted.
In this topic, you will learn the how to reconfigure the "Enter" key function on EditMode.To reconfigure the "Enter" key functions on EditMode.
- Bind WebGrid to Hierarchical ISDataSource (using NorthWind Customers and Orders table)
- Set AllowEdit to true.
- Add OnEditKeyDown client side event:
JavaScript Copy Code
function WebGrid1_OnEditKeyDown(controlId)
if(event.keyCode == 13) {
//cancel the event as it'll be handled manually
event.returnValue = false;
var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
//get currently active edit cell
var ac = grid.GetActiveEditCell();
if(ac.rowElement.type == "Record") {
//get the table object
var tbl = grid.Tables[ac.tblName];
grid.ExitEdit(1,0,0) // exit and update the row if dirty//find out if the table of current row is parent
var isParent = (tbl.GetChildTables().length > 0)?true : false;
window.setTimeout(function() {SelectNext(ac, isParent);},500);
//you can try to remove this line if you receive a javascript error
return false;
return true;
function SelectNext(ac, isParent) {
var curRow = ac.rowElement;
var tblElm = wgGetTable(curRow);
var curRowIndex = curRow.rowIndex;
//if a table is a parent, the index numbering increases by 2
var i = (isParent)? 2 : 1;
//check if current row is the last row of the table
if(curRowIndex < tblElm.rows.length-i){
//get destination now
var destRow = wgGetRowByPosition(tblElm, curRowIndex+i);
//highlight the destination row
//get the column name
var cellName = wgGetColNameByCell(ac.element);
//get the destination cell
var destCell = wgGetCellByName(destRow, cellName);
//select nextRow and highlight the destination cell
window.setTimeout(function() { MoveRow(destRow,destCell);}, 500);
function MoveRow(destRow, destCell)