Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Integrate Linked WebCombo in WebGrid
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Linked WebCombo can be integrated into grid columns, and automatically called when you enter into grid edit mode in appropriate column.

In this topic, you will learn how to include 2 combos which are linked each other into 2 grid columns.

To include Linked WebCombos into WebGrid

  1. Drag and drop a WebGrid to your form and bind it .
  2. Drag and drop 2 webcombos into the form and bind them.
  3. Go to the WebCombo2 Designer and Expand the LinkSettings property.
  4. Set the Enabled property to True.
  5. Set the FilterDataMember property to Country.
  6. Set the ParentWebComboID property to WebCombo1.


  7. Go to the Column1 and Column2 in WebGrid then set the Edit Control Type to WebComboNET in WebGrid Designer, Advanced.
  8. Run the project. 


See Also

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