Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Filter invisible column
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WebGrid provides a filtering feature for invisible column.

In this topic, you will learn how to apply Filtering invisible column in WebGrid.

To filter invisible column in WebGrid

  1. Open WebGrid.NET Designer.
  2. Select the Allow Filtering properties in QuickStart - Popular Settings - Main Features section 
  3. In Advanced-WebGrid-Layout Settings, set AllowFilter to Yes.
  4. Go to Advanced-RootTable-Columns, select one of the column that you want to set invisible(i.e ContactName), set Visible to false.
  5. Go back to Advanced-RootTable-FilterColumns, click add, then set the ColumnMember=ContactName, FilterText=Ana, FilterType=Like
  6. Click OK to apply the changes.
  7. Run the project.
  8. The WebGrid will automatically filter the invisible column.


See Also

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