Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Bind client-binding to Client DataSource
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In addition to built-in client services, you can also programmatically create your own datasource entirely in client-side, and then bind it to WebGrid via API. This mode is called ClientDataSource.

In this topic, you will learn how to bind client-binding to Client DataSource.

To bind client-binding to Client DataSource

  1. Open WebGrid.NET Designer and choose DataSource (Advanced).
  2. Select Client-side binding (Advanced) and Select Manually assign datasource in client side under client side binding settings.
  3. Go to Advanced tab. Select RootTable and set Data Key Field to ID.
  4. Expand RootTable and select Columns. Add 3 column afterwards.
  5. For the 1st column, set the following properties.
    Properties Value
    Name ID
    Caption ID
    DataMember ID
    Data Type System.Int32

  6. For the 2nd column, set the following properties.
    Properties Value
    Name Text
    Caption Text
    DataMember Text
    Data Type System.String

  7. For the 3rd column, set the following properties.
    Properties Value
    Name Bool
    Caption Check
    DataMember Bool
    Data Type System.Boolean
    ColumnType CheckBox

  8. Create the following function using client-side API.
    Javascript Copy Code
    function CreateData()
       var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
       var dataTable = new ISDataTable();
       var idColumn = new ISDataColumn(dataTable);
       var textColumn = new ISDataColumn(dataTable);
       var checkColumn = new ISDataColumn(dataTable);
       /* setup data columns */
       dataTable.Name = dataTable.TableName = "Root";
       idColumn.Name = idColumn.ColumnName = "ID";
       textColumn.Name = textColumn.ColumnName = "Text";
       checkColumn.Name = checkColumn.ColumnName = "Bool";
       /* add columns to data table */
       /* add rows to data table */
       for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
          var dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
          dataRow.Cells.GetNamedItem("ID").value = i;
          dataRow.Cells.GetNamedItem("Text").Value = "Item " + i;
          dataRow.Cells.GetNamedItem("Bool").value = (i % 3 != 0);
       /* bind the data table to WebGrid */
       grid.RootTable.Name = "Root";
       event.cancelBubble = true;
       event.returnValue = false;

  9. Trigger CreateData() function using Button onclick event.

    <button onclick="CreateData()">Create Unbound DataSet</button>

  10. Run the project.

See Also

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