Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
How-to: Customize Filter context menu
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WebGrid provides a filtering feature which is very powerful to filter data based on several filter types, such as LIKE, BETWEEN, GREATER THAN and many others. If we do not want to show all the filter features we can customize it to the way we want.

In this topic, you will learn how to customize filter context menu.

To show only the "Not Set" and "Greater Than Or Equal"

 Add function ChangeFilter as body onload function.

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function ChangeFilter() {
   wg_Global.FilterType = new Array(["NotSet",0], ["GTET",1]);

These are the whole list of the available Filter Context Menu :

  1. ["NotSet", 0]
  2. ["GTET", 1]
  3. ["GT", 2]
  4. ["ET", 3]
  5. ["NET", 9]
  6. ["LTET", 4]
  7. ["LT", 5]
  8. ["Like", 6]
  9. ["NotLike", 11]
  10. ["Between", 7]
  11. ["NotBetween", 10]
  12. ["IsNull", 12]
  13. ["NotIsNull", 13]
  14. ["IsEmpty", 14]
  15. ["NotIsEmpty", 15]
  16. ["Contain ", 16]
  17. ["NotContain", 17]

See Also

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