Intersoft ClientUI 8 > Getting Started > ClientUI Release History > Controls and Features Added in ClientUI 4 |
Intersoft ClientUI 4 adds over 45 new controls, significant enhancements to the existing controls, and new framework features across Silverlight 3, Silverlight 4 and WPF development platform.
This topic contains the following sections.
ClientUI 4 adds a powerful, MVVM-ready localization manager to the ClientUI Framework. The localization manager allows you to easily display localized resources to your UI elements through data binding. It also provides ObservableResource class to encapsulate the Resource class generated by Visual Studio, which is particularly useful to support automatic localization resource update when the application's culture changes. For more information, see Localization Overview.
ClientUI 4 brings multibinding capability to the Silverlight platform, while at the same time provides compatibility with the WPF platform. As its name implies, MultiBinding allows you to attach two or more Binding objects to a single dependency property through the XAML declaration and converter. As a result, you can design better applications with loosely-coupled UI architecture and leverage the two-way data binding feature in Silverlight and WPF. For more information, see Introduction to MultiBinding.
ClientUI 4 continues to complete its user interface controls by adding several controls essential to building rich business applications, such as listed in the following table.
UXBusyIndicator An MVVM-ready busy indicator control that can be used as inline progress indicator or a standalone content control. | |
UXFlatButton A button control with built-in flat style and transparent theme. | |
UXRepeatButton A button control with repeating capability when the mouse button or key is pressed constantly. | |
UXThumb A multi-purpose UI control that represent a thumb for drag and drop operation. | |
UXStatusBar An items control designated for status bar, featuring easy item configuration and auto fill feature. |
ClientUI 4 is strongly focused in line-of-business controls particularly in the advanced input and editing controls, ranging from numeric up-down, masked input, currency editor, date and time editor, multi-range slider bar, to high-performance file upload control and much more.
Please refer to the following table for the complete list of new input controls available in ClientUI 4.
UXButtonSpinner A multi-purpose content control with two spinner buttons. | |
UXCalendar A versatile, rich-featured calendar control with multiple month display and extended selection mode. | |
UXClock A sleek, innovative analog clock control supporting display and edit mode. | |
UXCurrencyEditor An editing control specialized designed for currency input featuring intuitive editing behaviors. | |
UXDateTimeUpDown A date time editing control with built-in up/down spinner button. | |
UXDateTimeEditor An innovative date time editing control with comprehensive culture, standards and custom formatting support. | |
UXDateTimePicker A sophisticated date time editing control with built-in dropdown featuring intuitive input through calendar and an analog clock. | |
UXDomainUpDown An items control with built-in up and down spinner button. | |
UXFileUpload A high-performance, MVVM-ready file upload control with unique smart file chunk mechanism and multiple upload workers support. | |
UXMaskedInput A versatile masked input control with advancing caret editing behavior and standard mask characters support. | |
UXNumericUpDown An editing control specialized designed to input number value equipped with up and down spinner button. | |
UXRating A highly customizable rating control featuring pixel-perfect precision, automatic tooltip, and easy configuration. | |
UXRangeSliderBar A rich, multi-range slider bar control featuring customizable tick bar placement, exact decimal precision, snap to tick, and more. | |
UXSliderBar An intuitive slider bar control featuring customizable orientation, small change and large change, automatic tooltips and more. |
ClientUI 4 also adds a sophisticated tab control that uniquely supports inline mode and frame navigation mode. It also includes predefined animation library for easy transition configuration. For more information, see UXTabControl.
ContentTransition control is enhanced with new static content mode, which is useful when you want to animate the existing content without changing the current content. This approach significantly improves user experiences particularly when the content is highly reusable. You can also easily set the content using MVVM pattern through the new ContentID property. For more information, see ContentTransition.
DockPanel now includes a more sophisticated custom fill logic which arranges the children and the fill element in the sequences of their physical order. This new mode allows you to easily define the fill element on any children regardless of their position. For more information, see DockPanel.
The ClientUI designer extensions for Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend have been further improved in the latest release which includes performance and stability improvement, particularly when a large number of controls exist in a single page.
ClientUI includes a designer extension that parses and loads the documentation from the assembly's XML comment file. The process also adds category and other designer-related attributes to each property when the designer is loading the designer for that particular assembly. The combination of these property-related processes may cause the Visual Studio designer to load slower particularly during compile time when the page contains a number of controls from different ClientUI assemblies.
In the case that the property description and category are less important in your development, you may choose to turn off the property designer extension to improve the Visual Studio designer loading time. To turn off the property designer extension, please follow the instructions below.
Note: For x64 operating system, please locate the registry node under the Wow6432Node branch.