UXGridView feature request

6 replies. Last post: March 22, 2011 10:56 PM by Jimmy Petrus
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Robert TyreeMember

Hello, I have been developing a business application using Silverlight and Devforce for two years now and we are heavily dependent upon a strong gridview. We use the MVVM pattern and are currently using Teleriks RadGridView with moderate success. One feature that we had to implement first with Microsofts DataGrid, then with the RadGridView, and now Telerik has added the feature - is a IsReadOnlyBinding at the column/cell level that is evaluated when the cell attempts to enter edit mode. There is also one at the row level that takes precedence over the cell. This is very important for us and before I test your grid I was wondering if this is, can, or will be implemented in any form - or, is there a simple way for me to implement it myself.

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