This topic lists the how-to and FAQ topics of WebCombo and describes how to implement the wide range of WebCombo features in your ASP.NET projects.
Common Tasks
The topics in this category list all the common and general WebCombo tasks such as data binding and styles customization.
- How-to: Enable HTML5 Rendering Mode
- How-to: Set initial value from server side in WebCombo
- How-to: Refresh WebCombo
- How-to: Enable text floating to the right side of the WebCombo.NET control
- How-to: Enable Round Corner in WebCombo.NET 4.0
- How-to: Enable animation
- How-to: Enable Default Style for existing instance of WebCombo
- How-to: Configure SmartWebResources in a new web application
- How-to: Set selected row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Create unbound WebCombo using PopulateUnboundData method
- How-to: Allow auto PostBack
- How-to: Always show all rows on dropdown combo
- How-to: Define the search image
- How-to: Set the TextBox mode in WebCombo
- How-to: Get the hidden cell's value of the selected row
- How-to: Set combo's alignment to be right displayed
- How-to: Allow AddItem in WebCombo
- How-to: Add item in bound WebCombo
- How-to: Add item in unbound WebCombo from server side
- How-to: Enable wildcard search
- How-to: Use WebCombo without search button
- How-to: Utilize ImageAndText ColumnType
- How-to: Get the value of the selected row in WebCombo
- How-to: Set selected row in bound WebCombo
- How-to: Show/Hide WebCombo
- How-to: Set focus on WebCombo
- How-to: Get the text and value of multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Get WebCombo instance
- How-to: Trigger OnTheFlyPost from client side
- How-to: Set result box window type
- How-to: Use multiple columns mode
- How-to: Use single dependency linked WebCombo
- How-to: Use bound multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Use unbound multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Set initial value of multiple selection WebCombo from server side
- How-to: Apply load on demand in WebCombo
- How-to: Add columns to WebCombo
- How-to: Add rows to WebCombo
- How-to: Enable XML compression
- FAQ: Recommended Layout Scenario
- FAQ: What is the difference between Default Style and Predefined Style?
- FAQ: I am not familiar with DataSource control concept and I have been pretty much familiar with DataSource object binding that you introduced in pre-2007 products. Why do you introduce this new data binding concept?
- FAQ: How to use WebCombo in dual monitor?
Client Data Binding
The topic in this category provides direct instruction on how to configure Client Binding.
Client Data Services
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to configure Client Data Services.
Client Binding API
The topic in this category provides direct instruction on how to configure Client Binding API.
User Interface Customization
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to enable text floating in WebCombo.
- How-to: Enable Round Corner in WebCombo.NET 4.0
- How-to: Enable animation
- How-to: Enable Sliding Animation in WebCombo
- How-to: Enable text floating to the right side of the WebCombo.NET control
- How-to: Simulate inline text floating behavior as in previous version
- How-to: Set combo's alignment to be right displayed
- How-to: Position search box on the left
- How-to: Use WebCombo without search button
- FAQ: Recommended Layout Scenario
Styles Customization
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to use predefined style.
- How-to: Re-apply the styles to use updated predefined style in designer
- How-to: Update the style definition when applying the style programmatically at runtime
- How-to: Update the style definition when the WebCombo control is themed at application-wide level (themed using WebStyleManager)
Using Default Style
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to enable Default Style.
- How-to: Enable Default Style for existing instance of WebCombo
- FAQ: What does Default Style look like?
- FAQ: How can I continue to use 'classic WebCombo style' for new instances of WebCombo controls?
- FAQ: Can I still apply other predefined style in WebCombo.NET 4.0?
- FAQ: What is the difference between Default Style and Predefined Style?
Configuring SmartWebResources Deployment
The topics in this category provide a direct instruction on how to configure SmartWebResources.
- How-to: Configure SmartWebResources in a new web application
- FAQ: Does SmartWebResources feature automatically enabled in WebCombo.NET 4.0?
Using Data Source Control
The topics in this category provide the frequently asked questions about data source control.
- FAQ: I am not familiar with DataSource control concept and I have been pretty much familiar with DataSource object binding that you introduced in pre-2007 products. Why do you introduce this new data binding concept?
- FAQ: How can I learn more and where can I get more resources related to DataSource control?
- FAQ: Does WebCombo version 4.0 still support older data binding mechanism (i.e. through InitiliazeDataSource)?
Integration with WebTreeView
The topic in this category provide information on how to integrate WebTreeView control to WebCombo.
Integration with WebContextMenu
The topic in this category provide information on how to integrate WebContextMenu control to WebCombo.
Unbound Mode
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to perform various scenarios in unbound WebCombo.
- How-to: Add Item in unbound WebCombo from server side
- How-to: Add item in unbound WebCombo from client side
- How-to: Set selected row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Modify the first cell of the first row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Delete a row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Perform batch update in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Create unbound WebCombo using PopulateUnboundData method
- How-to: Create multiple columns unbound WebCombo using PopulateUnboundData method
Behaviors Customization
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to configure WebCombo's behaviors and features in details.
- How-to: Define access key
- How-to: Display tooltip in WebCombo
- How-to: Determine the number of rows first requested by WebCombo
- How-to: Set the latency
- How-to: Allow auto PostBack
- How-to: Disable auto query handler
- How-to: Enable/Disable WebCombo
- How-to: Show/Hide WebCombo
- How-to: Disable ViewState in WebCombo
- How-to: Show error message when there is missing specification
- How-to: Define tab index
- How-to: Disable auto data caching
- How-to: Use cached data on first load
- How-to: Disable WebResources
- How-to: Adjust result box position
- How-to: Allow text to float on the right side of WebCombo
- How-to: Allow navigation on mouse wheel
- How-to: Always show all rows on dropdown combo
- How-to: Always show column headers
- How-to: Always show help button
- How-to: Always show result box
- How-to: Always show search button
- How-to: Set default column width
- How-to: Enable/Disable animation
- How-to: Define the help image
- How-to: Define help URL
- How-to: Define the row's height
- How-to: Define the action when no results is found in WebCombo
- How-to: Define the result box's height and width
- How-to: Show the result box's shadow
- How-to: Position search box on the left
- How-to: Use round corner in WebCombo
- How-to: Define the search image
- How-to: Define the position of status bar
- How-to: Hide/Show the status box
- How-to: Define XHTML search image
- How-to: Get the hidden cell's value of the selected row
- How-to: Set result box window type
Dynamically Add Item
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to add item in WebCombo.
- How-to: Allow AddItem in WebCombo
- How-to: Add item in bound WebCombo
- How-to: Add item in unbound WebCombo from server side
- How-to: Add item in unbound WebCombo from client side
- How-to: Use OnAddItem client side event to validate input
- FAQ: How to implement adding item in WebCombo when we set AllowAutoPostBack and AllowAddItem to true?
Additional Search Field
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to use AdditionalSearchField for searching text.
Minimum Character Request
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to configure minimum character typed.
Allow WildCard Search
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to activate wildcard search.
TextBox Mode
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to set TextBox mode.
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to apply validation such as RequiredFieldValidator in WebCombo.
- How-to: Use RequiredFieldValidator to ensure the WebCombo cannot be empty
- How-to: Implement WebCombo and RequiedFieldValidator in Web User Control
Column Types
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to utilize various column types in WebCombo.
- How-to: Utilize text ColumnType
- How-to: Utilize image ColumnType
- How-to: Utilize ImageAndText ColumnType
- How-to: Utilize custom ColumnType
Extensible Client-side Programming
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to perform various scenarios using client side programming.
- How-to: Filter the data in WebCombo using SetAdditionalFilter method
- How-to: Clear the AdditionalFilter applied to WebCombo
- How-to: Get the text of the selected row in WebCombo
- How-to: Get the value of the selected row in WebCombo
- How-to: Set selected row in bound WebCombo
- How-to: Set selected row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Get total retrieved rows in WebCombo
- How-to: Get total rows in WebCombo
- How-to: Hide and show dropdown combo
- How-to: Modify the first cell of the first row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Delete a row in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Perform batch update in unbound WebCombo
- How-to: Get the selected row
- How-to: Use OnAddItem client side event to validate input
- How-to: Refresh WebCombo
- How-to: Get/Set the TextBox value
- How-to: Get the number of rows in WebCombo
- How-to: Get specific row by its index
- How-to: Enable/Disable WebCombo
- How-to: Show/Hide WebCombo
- How-to: Set focus on WebCombo
- How-to: Get the text and value of multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Get WebCombo instance
- How-to: Display the result box to the right side of WebCombo
- How-to: Trigger OnTheFlyPost from client side
- How-to: Set the value of another controls in OnAfterItemSelected client side events
- How-to: Validate string only input in OnKeyDown client side events
Automatic Data Caching Handler
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to turn off auto data caching.
ClientAction Engine
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to ClientAction function in server side.
- How-to: Display message box if unable to add a row
- How-to: Navigate to specific page after adding a row
- How-to: Refresh other control during row addition
Real Dropdownlist Window
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to set result box type and use combo in dual monitor.
Multiple Columns
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to apply multiple columns mode in WebCombo.
Entry Mode
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to configure various entry mode in WebCombo.
- How-to: Use default entry mode
- How-to: Use AutoComplete entry mode
- How-to: Use InstantLookUp entry mode
Linked WebCombo
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to get familiar with linked WebCombo.
- How-to: Use combined dependencies linked WebCombo
- How-to: Use multiple dependencies linked WebCombo
- How-to: Use single dependency linked WebCombo
- How-to: Use unbound linked WebCombo
Multiple Selection
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to use multiple selection in WebCombo.
- How-to: Use bound multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Use unbound multiple selection WebCombo
- How-to: Set initial value of multiple selection WebCombo from server side
- How-to: Set initial value of multiple selection WebCombo from client side
Load On Demand
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to apply load on demand.
OnTheFly PostBack
The topic in this category provides a direct instruction on how to apply SetAdditionalFilter from server side.
Working with Designer
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to add columns and rows using WebCombo Designer.
Layout Manager
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to apply and preview the layout available in WebCombo.
- How-to: Apply Predefined Layout
- How-to: Save Current Layout
- How-to: Apply Saved Layout
- How-to: Preview Layout
Miscellaneous WebCombo Settings
The topics in this category provide direct instructions on how to perform other settings in WebCombo.
- How-to: Integrate to FormView
- How-to: Integrate to GridView
- How-to: Integrate to WebGrid
- How-to: Set FlyPostBackSettings
- How-to: Enable XML compression
- How-to: Set ScriptDirectory and SharedScriptDirectory
- How-to: Set images directory
- How-to: Implement linked WebCombo functionality using column that is not DataTextField or DataValueField as the FilterDataMember
- How-to: Improve FlyPostBack performance
Walkthrough Topics
Other Resources
Features and Concepts
AllowAddItem Property
OnAddItem Property