relative path problem while loading the content from html file

1 reply. Last post: April 26, 2010 11:49 AM by Glenn Layaar
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here i have one strange problem. i am initializing the webtexteditor with the following code

WebTextEditor1.LoadContentFromFile(Server.MapPath((@"~//newsletter/" + userfolder + "/" + filepath + "/newsletter.html")), true);

here the texteditor displays the html files in it, but without images. Because all images are inside the "image" folder which is in the smae path as "newsletter.html" file.

The aspx file which uses the webtexteditor control is in root directory of project.

is there any way to set its relative path while using LoadContentFromFile method.

I hope you undertand the problem.

Please let me know, if the doubt is still unclear to you.

thanks and regards


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