WebTextEditor Evaluation Question

7 replies. Last post: October 28, 2010 10:18 AM by Jean Nguimbus
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Randy CravenMember


I am evaluating the WebTextEditor and would like to know if this scenario can be accomplished with it.

  1. There will be some RTF files on the web server, with merge fields, to serve as templates.  Admin users could open these using the WebTextEditor, make changes, and save to the existing folder.
  2. Other users would fill out a form, the form data would be stored in a database.
  3. The form data would be merged with the RTF template and the resulting new RTF file is stored in a new folder on the web server that is specific to the user.
  4. The RTF created in step 3 is converted to a PDF file in the same folder.

If possible steps 3 and 4 would be done programatically by the WebTextEditor and the process would be invisible to the user.  They would complete the form in step 2, click a button, and steps 3 and 4 would take place in the background. 

Thnank you very much,


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