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1. If I click on ClientSideEvent (in Visual Studio) I get an Errormessage (see FileUploadErrorClientSide.jpg)
2. When the upload session is completed, WebFileUploader sets the user interface to summary state. Why can I see Postback at this time (see FileUploadPostback.jpg) - until I click on Start Over?
3. I want use Serverside-Event AfterUpload, but this Event isn't fired!
<ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader ID="WebFileUploader1" runat="server" onafterupload="WebFileUploader1_AfterUpload" PostbackMode="FullPostBack"> <ProgressInformation ShowProgressArea="False" /> </ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader> <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label> protected void WebFileUploader1_AfterUpload(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderFileEventArgs e) { lbl.Text = "Check............"; if (File.Exists(e.WebFileUploadInfo.FileName)) lbl.Text = e.WebFileUploadInfo.FileName; }
4. When will Clientside-Event OnComplete fired?
Michael, glad to hear you solved some problems.
The error message that you get in Visual Studio is an issue and will be addressed in the next hotfix. Thanks.
Here are some pointers for you:
Hope this helps,James.
Hi James
1. After installing SP1 I get the same Errormessage! Now I have also an Runtime Error 'ISControl' is undefined! (see WebFileUploader - Runtimeerror after SP1 installation)
2. Yes, I guess you're right. It seems, that isn't a postback. If I see IE progress bar, I think Page is waiting for something...
3. I have put a breakpoint to the code and start with debugging, but the Event is not fired. The WebFileUploader is located into WebDesktopManager und WebPaneManager. Perhaps that is the problem?!
4. That's what I suspected, but OnCompleted is not fired. I couldn't find this event in dokumentation (ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.V1/ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor/Client-side events.html)
OK. I solved some problems. I get only an Errormessage if I click on ClientSideEvents.
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