error export to pdf

17 replies. Last post: October 21, 2013 10:57 PM by Bernard Xiang
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When we do export the webscheduler with the following code:

ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Report.WebSchedulerReportInfo info = new ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Report.WebSchedulerReportInfo();
info.FileName = "WebSchedulerToPdf.pdf";
this._eventsScheduler.ViewSettings.SelectedViewMode = WebSchedulerViewMode.Month;

we get the error:

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

Parameter name: value


at System.Web.UI.WebControls.FontInfo.set_Size(FontUnit value)
at .?.?()
at .?.?()
at ..CreateReport()
at ..CreateReport()
at ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Report.WebSchedulerReportHelper.?()
at ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Report.WebSchedulerReportHelper.CreateReport()
at ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.WebScheduler.ExportScheduler(WebSchedulerReportInfo ?[1], WebSchedulerReportOutputPathType ?[1])

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