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Hello, I am currently building a Task Management solution for a client. The dataflow etc is quite complex and Oracle is used as the backend database. Would the Scheduler control work with a DataSet that is connected to Oracle??
Mark, the ISDataSource actually retrieves schema from strongly-typed DataSet as well, so yes, you can have ISDataSource to access your DataSet automatically.
I understand that you may want to bind the Scheduler to dataset using primitive way such as scheduler.DataSource = ds. I'm interested to hear why you believe that it could be useful? Or perhaps I don't get you properly on your DataSet question.
WebScheduler integrates natively into ISDataSource control (Intersoft’s flagship datasource control) to provide you with multiple tables binding capability.
Hi sorry for the delay in reply. I am interested in having the ability to have an option such as scheduler.DataSource = ds because of the way our database library is composed. We have a objects that represent each table in our database. When these use lists of these objects to fill a dataset which we then assign to the grids on our pages. We would find it very beneficial if we could do something similar with the Scheduler component. A quick example of what I mean can be seen below:
protected void wgStockTake_InitializeDataSource(object sender, DataSourceEventArgs e) { e.DataSource = GetStockTakeDataSet(); } private DataSet GetStockTakeDataSet() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = ds.Tables.Add("StockTake"); dt.Columns.Add("RowNum"); dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("StockDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockCode", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("CategoryDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("GroupDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockPLU", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("DefaultSupplier"); dt.Columns.Add("StockBaseUnitDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockTransferUnitDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockReceivingUnitDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockPurchaseUnitDescription", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("StockBaseQty", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("StockTransferQty", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("StockReceivingQty", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("StockPurchaseQty", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("SnappedQOH", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("CountQOH", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("Variance", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("CountCost", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("VarianceCost", typeof(decimal)); dt.Columns.Add("AdditionalData"); int i = 1; if (wcLocation.Value != "") { StockTakeLocation stl = DataObject.StockTakeLocations[Convert.ToDecimal(wcLocation.Value)]; stl.Refresh(); foreach (StockTakeLocationItem item in stl.StockTakeLocationItems) { DataRow r = dt.NewRow(); r["RowNum"] = i; r["ID"] = item.ID; r["StockDescription"] = item.Stock.Description; r["StockCode"] = item.Stock.Code; r["CategoryDescription"] = item.Stock.Category.Description; r["GroupDescription"] = item.Stock.Category.Group.Description; r["StockPLU"] = item.Stock.PLU; r["DefaultSupplier"] = item.Stock.DefaultSupplier.Description; r["StockBaseUnitDescription"] = item.Stock.BaseUnitDescription; r["StockTransferUnitDescription"] = item.Stock.TransferUnitDescription; r["StockReceivingUnitDescription"] = item.Stock.StockUnitDescription; r["StockPurchaseUnitDescription"] = item.Stock.PurchaseUnitDescription; string displayUnits = lstDDDisplayUnits.SelectedValue; QuestUnitTemplate ut = new QuestUnitTemplate(item.Stock.DefaultSupplierID, item.Stock, base.Department.ID); string additionalData = ""; QuestHelper.AppendCommonAdditionalData(ut, ref additionalData); additionalData += "|" + item.CountBaseUnitQuantityPosted.ToString().ToLower() + "|" + item.CountTransferUnitQuantityPosted.ToString().ToLower() + "|" + item.CountStockUnitQuantityPosted.ToString().ToLower() + "|" + item.CountPurchaseUnitQuantityPosted.ToString().ToLower() + "|" + item.Stock.BaseUnitCurrentCost; r["StockBaseQty"] = item.CountBaseUnitQuantity; r["StockTransferQty"] = item.CountTransferUnitQuantity; r["StockReceivingQty"] = item.CountStockUnitQuantity; r["StockPurchaseQty"] = item.CountPurchaseUnitQuantity; decimal qohAsBase = 0; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("B", item.BaseUnitQuantity); qohAsBase = ut.QuantityAsBaseUnit; r["SnappedQOH"] = qohAsBase; additionalData += "|" + qohAsBase; decimal totalAsBase = item.CountBaseUnitQuantity; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("T", item.CountTransferUnitQuantity); totalAsBase += ut.QuantityAsBaseUnit; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("S", item.CountStockUnitQuantity); totalAsBase += ut.QuantityAsBaseUnit; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("P", item.CountPurchaseUnitQuantity); totalAsBase += ut.QuantityAsBaseUnit; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("B", totalAsBase); r["CountQOH"] = ut.GetQuantityForDisplay(displayUnits); decimal varianceAsBase = (totalAsBase - qohAsBase); decimal countCostAsBase = (totalAsBase * item.Stock.BaseUnitCurrentCost); bool quantityPosted = (item.CountStockUnitQuantityPosted || item.CountTransferUnitQuantityPosted || item.CountBaseUnitQuantityPosted || item.CountPurchaseUnitQuantityPosted); ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("B", varianceAsBase); r["Variance"] = (quantityPosted == true) ? ut.GetQuantityForDisplay(displayUnits) : 0; r["VarianceCost"] = (quantityPosted == true) ? (ut.GetQuantityForDisplay(displayUnits) * item.Stock.BaseUnitCurrentCost) : 0; ut.SetQuantityFromDisplay("B", countCostAsBase); r["CountCost"] = ut.GetQuantityForDisplay(displayUnits); r["AdditionalData"] = additionalData; i++; dt.Rows.Add(r); } } return ds; }
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