Layout problem with WebScheduler AllDayEvent

1 reply. Last post: October 29, 2009 1:51 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Huy Member

Hi Intersoft,

I'm using WebScheduler control but It has problem with AllDayEvent Layout in IE 7 Browser. When I have 60-70 Events which is AllDayEvent type, WebSchedule doesn't re-size layout to fixed with screen. AllDayEvent area have many event but I can only scroll to event 37th (See the attachment images).

This is possibly a bug in WebScheduler control.

Please help me figure out what's the problem here and show me walk-around solution as soon as possible.

Thanks & Regards,


Note: I set Height of WebScheduler to 100%.

<ISWebScheduler:WebScheduler ID="WebScheduler1" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" DataSourceID="ISDataSource1" ResourcesDataMember="Resources" EventsDataMember="PersonTask" DefaultStyleMode="Outlook2007Blue">
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