Error using method GetCellElement in client side event OnEditingFormShow

7 replies. Last post: June 22, 2010 9:47 AM by Yudi
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Hi all,

i created the following method for the event OnEditingFormShow:

function WebScheduler1_OnEditingFormShow(controlId, action, eventView, eventType, newType)
var WebScheduler1 = ISGetObject(controlId);
var date = WebScheduler1.StartDateSelection;
var cell = WebScheduler1.GetCellElement(date, 1, false);
return false;

view settings are

<ViewSettings SelectedViewMode="Week" SelectedWeekViewMode="FullWeek" VisibleEndTime="t1600" VisibleStartTime="t0800">

and EmptyCellClickAction="ShowEditingForm".

When I click cells in the bottom part of the scheduler, I get an error like in the attached image. To get the error in the image I clicked the cell since 15.00 till 15.30 of Friday.

Could someone help me?



1 attachment
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