EditingForm goes wrong when change Resource WebCombo field

21 replies. Last post: March 11, 2010 8:50 PM by Way Hang Wee
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Way Hang WeeMember

In intersoft original EditingForm, it has Resource WebCombo as below:

<ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="wcResources" runat="server" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="120px" Height="20px" DataTextField="ResourceName" DataValueField="ResourceID"> <Columns> <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="ResourceName" HeaderText="Name" Bound="False" Name="ResourceName" Width="150px" /> <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="ResourceDescription" HeaderText="Description" Bound="False" Name="ResourceDescription" Width="200px" /> <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Action" HeaderText=" " Bound="False" Name="Action" Width="70px" /> <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="ResourceID" Bound="False" Name="ResourceID" Hidden="True" /> </Columns> <LayoutSettings StatusBoxVisible="False" ComboMode="MultipleColumns" ResultBoxHeight="80" ResultBoxWindowType="Normal" EnableSlidingAnimation="true" ResultBoxShadow="true"> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebCombo:WebCombo>

When i remove WebComboColumn (ResourceDescription and Action) the appearance of the EditingForm goes hairwire.

Attached is 3 screenshot i made before and after i remove the WebComboColumn.

Noticed that in After1.jpg, there's no record displayed in the EditingForm. This happen when i click (1st time) on an event and edit it. After i close and click to edit 2nd time (After2.jpg), the record is displayed in EditingForm.

Also noticed that in After1.jpg and After2.jpg, the "Save & Close" and "Cancel" button is out of position.


Pls advise.

1 attachment
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