WebInput setting readOnly in client side issue

5 replies. Last post: October 4, 2010 12:17 PM by Mark Dragom
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Mark DragomMember

I’m having a problem with WebInput setting ReadOnly property to true in client side.

IS_WI.ReadOnly = true;


var IS_WI = ISGetObject(controlId);

            if (IS_WI) {

                IS_WI.ReadOnly = true;

                return true;


Steps to recreate issue

1.After form loads check if all the controls are usable(they should be)

2.Click on “make readonly” button

3.Click on the field with 2010-Oct-11 (we made this field read only)

4.Click on the other fields… that is where the issue is…other controls stopped responding until I click on “make writable” which sets IS_WI.ReadOnly = false;

Please investigate.

WebInput ver 4.0.7200.4




I’m attaching a sample code.



Using Enable()/Disable() is not an option for me.


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