WebInput Dynamic Calendar Object Crashes

6 replies. Last post: November 19, 2009 8:47 AM by A Yousif
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A YousifMember

We have a control that is dynamically created based on user choices.  This control may have several controls within it, i.e., text box, combo box, calendar, etc.

When the control has a calendar in it, the page always crashes with the following line:

val.evaluationfunction = MaskValidatorEvaluateIsValid;

And then immediately followed by:


The calendar is then rendered but does not function.

If, however, we physically insert a calendar control on the page, everything works fine.  For now, I'm having to insert an invisible calendar object (cal.Visible = false) on the page, but I shouldn't have to do that.

I hope there's a solution to this.  Thank you.

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