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Hi all,
I am facing an issue in web grid. I have a grid with items and its child items. when i double click on parent item, it will show up child items. In firefox, if i enable filter for parent item list and double click on it, for child items grid, filter icons are not displaying. Please find the appropriate images in attachments for more clarity.
Following are the dll details
dllName - ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll
File Version - 7.0.7200.401
Please provide a solution / Javascript to enable filter bar if it is enabled in parent list ASAP.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the late response.
Could you please let us know the structure of your WebGrid? From the attached screenshot files in your first post of this thread, I’m not really sure whether you are using hierarchical grid or self-referencing grid (parent-child relationship).
I’d like to advice you further but in order to do so we would need you to elaborate on your specific scenario and possibly give us a running simple sample and the step-by-step guide that we can use to observe the problematic behavior.
Hi Yudi,
Sorry for the late reply. I was on long leave.
I am using hierarchical grid structure.
Now Let me explain you clearly. In the Screen shot attached, Lookup1 is a parent item and on double click on that item will show me its child items. The parent child relationship is achieved in DB. No relationship is mentioned for grid. I am attaching you the Aspx code which i used for grid. But simple working example is not possible since it is a huge product.
Scenario :
1. I have a page (Say Grid.aspx), where in i used attached code to create the grid.
2. On load i will show all parent items on the grid.
3. Now if the user double click on some item, the Grid datasource is reloaded with approprate child items of the double clicked item (Parent Item). and so on. (For showing parent / Child items i use same grid in the same page)
4. Now in firefox, if i doubleclick on items, it show corresponding child items but filter bar is invisible.
In Screen Shot:
1. (in parentList.png) item with title "Lookup1" is a parent item. (the item has no child items. so it will show empty grid on double click).
2. I have enabled filter bar and then double click on Parent Item (Lookup1).
3. In IE i get filter bar for child grid also. but in firefox it disappears.
Please note that
1. I am using hierarchical grid.
2. Same grid will be refreshed and loaded with child items if we click on parent Items.
I am really sorry that, i could not create sample application and share it due to security reasons here.
I couldn’t find the attached aspx code that you mention in the previous post.Could you please kindly resend it?
I copied in "Insert Code" block.
Any ways here is the code
OnInitializeDataSource="WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource" OnInitializeLayout="WebGrid1_InitializeLayout"
OnInitializeRow="WebGrid1_InitializeRow" AllowAutoDataCaching="false" DisableFileSystemChecking="true"
EnableWebResources="never" Height="99$ispct;">
<roottable gridlinestyle="NotSet" caption="List">
<layoutsettings allowexport="yes" alternatingcolors="True" pagingmode="VirtualLoad"
virtualloadmode="Custom" filterbarvisible="false" allowfilter="Yes" gridlinestyle="Solid"
gridlinecolor="#afafaf" cellpaddingdefault="1" rowheightdefault="22px" gridlines="Both"
virtualpagesize="50" autofitcolumns="true" autoheight="false" allowsorting="no"
allowcolumnsizing="Yes" alwaysshowhelpbutton="false">
<HeaderStyle Wrap="false" Overflow="hidden" OverflowX="hidden" OverflowY="hidden" CssClass="GridHeaderStyle"></HeaderStyle>
<ClientSideEvents OnInitialize="OnInitialize" OnRowContextMenu="ShowContextMenu"
OnCellDblClick="DoCellClick" OnRowSelect="RowSelect"></ClientSideEvents>
<FocusCellStyle CssClass="GridFocusCellStyle"/>
<PreviewRowStyle ForeColor="#0000C0"></PreviewRowStyle>
<Active BackColor="RoyalBlue" BaseStyle="Over">
<Over BackColor="CornflowerBlue" BorderColor="Navy" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px">
<Padding Bottom="1px" Left="1px" Right="1px" Top="1px" />
<GroupRowInfoStyle BackColor="#F1EFE2" BorderColor="White" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt">
<Bottom Color="Silver" />
<Right Color="Silver" />
<LabelStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Navy" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" />
<Style BackColor="Gray"></Style>
<EditTextboxStyle BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt">
<FrameStyle GradientType="Vertical" CssClass="GridFrameStyle"></FrameStyle>
<SelectedRowStyle CssClass="GridSelectedRowStyle"></SelectedRowStyle>
<StatusBarStyle CssClass="GridStatusBarStyle">
<Padding Top="0px" Left="0px" Bottom="0px" Right="0px"></Padding>
<RowStyle Overflow="Hidden" OverflowX="Hidden" OverflowY="Hidden" CssClass="GridRowStyle" />
<NewRowStyle CssClass="GridNewRowStyle"></NewRowStyle>
<ScrollBarStyle ArrowColor="255, 192, 192" />
<TextSettings Language="UseCulture">
I’m sorry to inform you that the information in the code that you provide in your previous post is not sufficient enough to reproduce the issue on my local test. Codes in server-side events such as in OnInitializeDataSource, OnInitializeLayout, and OnInitializeRow are missing as well as the client-side event code.
Should you have objection due to the confidentiality of your project, you may send the code to Please add a note that the message is aimed to me.
Please let us hear your response.
I will try to create the example which you asked and try to replicate the scenario. I will get back to you on tuesday (16th November IST) about the status. Actual Code i cannot share but i will replicate the issue and share it by tuesday. I did not get permission for sharing.
Thanks a Lot for the reply. I will get back to you by example project.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.Should the sample ready to be analyzed, please let us know. We would be glad to assist you.
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