help refresh chart

4 replies. Last post: September 6, 2010 10:37 AM by Handy Surya
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Ngo van TuMember
Hi everybody

I have dashboard same picture attach, use chart as a usercontrol.

If I edit form 1 ( column chart to pie chart) --> refresh in form 1, (form 1 is pie chart now). But when I edit form 2 but it not refresh in form 2 , and it still refresh form 1. And I have to press F5 to load page. The result don't change from 1 and change form 2. I want to refresh each chart.

Please help me



<script type ="text/javascript" >
////code javascript
function refreshChart()
{ var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");


/// code close and refresh form

string script = @"<script language='javascript'>
if (self.opener!=null && self.opener.document!=null && self.opener.document.forms[0]!=null)
self.opener.refreshChart('" + Instance.Id + @"');

"Instance.Id" this is id of the form need edit

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