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Hi all,
how I can set for a colum a monospaced font in the web grid?
Thanks in advance,
You could customize the style of WebGrid’s column, as you please.
Here’s I attach a simple WebGrid sample that show how to customize the style of WebGrid’s column.
In the sample, I bind the WebGrid to access data source (Northwind.mdb database and Shippers table).
And then I customize the ShipperID column only.
Please kindly have review on my sample to see the result and let me know your response.
Hi Hans,
the solution works partially
Moreover i would like to do the same font on a column in a WebCombo, how I can do that?
Could you please help me to resolve also this?
1) I try to select a cell, but the font still Courier (OnSelectedCell.png)2) I add validation code OnEnterEditMode client side event, to change the font family. Perhaps you could use this work around (OnCellOnNewRow.png)3) I add WebCombo my sample, then I add validation InitializeRow server side event, to change the font color of ShipperID column. To modify the column header, you could HeaderStyle property. However to HeaderStyle is apply to all WebCombo header columns. WebCombo can’t modify the style of one header column only.
Please kindly have review on my sample once again and let me if there are configurations that I missed on my sample.
Thank you.
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