I webgrid in the dynamic of the column and column according to create dynamic created WebCombo and set up WebCombo. EntryMode = EntryMode. AutoComplete WebCombo data source is DataTable to the edit state input words after after this time the whole prompted page refresh me want to editing tips and refresh the page is not after I test but if be manual added column won't, there is a way to make it not refresh it help me

created WebCombo :

protected void CreateCombos(WebGridColumn wgc)
            if (wgc.Name != "id")
                WebCombo cb = new WebCombo(wgc.Name);
                cb.DataTextField = wgc.Name;
                cb.DataValueField = wgc.Name;
                cb.LayoutSettings.EntryMode = EntryMode.AutoComplete;
                cb.LayoutSettings.AlwaysShowHelpButton = false;
                cb.LayoutSettings.AlwaysShowSearchButton = true;
                cb.LayoutSettings.ComboMode = Mode.SingleColumn;
                cb.LayoutSettings.StatusBoxVisible = true;
                cb.LayoutSettings.AlwaysShowSearchButton = false;
                cb.UseDefaultStyle = true;
                cb.AllowWildCardSearch = true;
                cb.AdditionalSearchFields = "pinyin";
                cb.Latency = 0;
                cb.MinCharsToRequest = 1;
                cb.DataSource = mydatatable               

                wgc.EditType = EditType.WebComboNET;
                wgc.WebComboID = cb.ID;