checked rows in grid for export in VB

1 reply. Last post: March 31, 2013 10:02 PM by Bernard Xiang
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Jarl HedinMember

I tried this code and it,s not working. I took  your C# exampel and converted it  to VB

what's wrong?  I get this error

Best regards Jarl

Undantagsinformation: System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt.


Rad 25:                 ' if current row is equal to one of the rows in the checked rows
Rad 26:                 ' then break
Rad 27:                 If e.Table.Rows(i).KeyValue.ToString() = keyValue Then
Rad 28:                     IsMatch = True
Rad 29:                     Exit For

        Dim totalRows As Integer = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.Count

        For i As Integer = 0 To totalRows - 1

            ' get the number of checked rows

            Dim checkedRowsCount As Integer = WebGrid1.RootTable.GetCheckedRows().Count

            ' a flag that shows whether row is match to one of the rows in the checked rows

            Dim IsMatch As Boolean = False

            For Each keyValue As String In WebGrid1.RootTable.GetCheckedRows()

                ' if current row is equal to one of the rows in the checked rows

                ' then break

                If e.Table.Rows(i).KeyValue.ToString() = keyValue Then

                    IsMatch = True

                    Exit For

                End If


            ' if current row is equal to one of the rows in the checked rows

            ' then passes to the next iteration

            ' else remove current row

            If IsMatch Then

                Continue For



                i -= 1

                totalRows -= 1

            End If


        ' set the "IsRowChecker" to be not visible during export

        e.Table.Columns.GetNamedItem("IsRowChecker").Visible = False

    End Sub


Jarl Hedin
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