Webgrid experience intermittent "Access Denied" error on filter cells

1 reply. Last post: April 4, 2011 2:34 AM by Lili Khiung
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Darren BuddMember

Hi there,


Has anyone seen anything like this?  I have various web grids within my application, and occasionally, I am seeing an "Access Denied" error when I try and click within the column filter cells.  When this occurs, it happens on every grid within my application.  When it happens, I see the issue on both on our live site, and on my dev instance.  It is usually resolved the following day, but seems to happen once a week.

 All of my grids are completely different from 1 another, with different data sources, so that rules out anything to do with the data source, or grid design in my mind.

Can anyone offer any assistance?


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