WebGrid: Slow Response when right click

1 reply. Last post: September 13, 2010 5:40 PM by Yudi
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Kenny YungMember


I have experience a very slow response (when I say slow, I mean over half a minute) when I am right-clicking on a WebGrid.

Please see the attachment.

I have two WebGrid, one is placed in a WebPane (the one on the left - Nav), the other is in an IFrame "Pane 01". When I try to right click the WebGrid on the right, the context menu pop-up almost straightaway. However, the same cannot be said for the Webgrid on the left. when i right-click it, the CPU usage just goes up the sky, the IE hangs and it wait for around 1 minute before the context menu shows.

This only happens when i try this page the first time in IE6. There's no such problem in FireFox.

Please help.

Many thanks in advance.

1 attachment
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