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I'm using the 7.0.7200.405 version of intersofts' WebGrid and the columns are not aligned with their respective headers in the child table.
Wasn't the 7.0.7200.405 supposed to resolve this issue?
I'm believe my company's original issue was for the same alignment issue but when using the Grouping functionality.
The Grouping alignment seems to be fixed but we are now have alignment issues when using the Hierarchy functionality.
The grid was simply implemented to test.
These are the properties that are set :
webGridH.LayoutSettings.RowHeaders = RowHeaders.No; webGridH.UseDefaultStyle = true; webGridH.DefaultStyleMode = DefaultStyleKind.Standard; webGridH.LayoutSettings.ShowRefreshButton = false; webGridH.LayoutSettings.AlwaysShowHelpButton = false; webGridH.LayoutSettings.HelpURL = ""; webGridH.LayoutSettings.AutoFitColumns = false; webGridH.LayoutSettings.NewRowLostFocusAction = LostFocusMode.AlwaysPrompt; webGridH.LayoutSettings.ApplyFiltersKey = FilterKeyMode.Enter; webGridH.LayoutSettings.HideColumnsWhenGrouped = HideColumns.No; webGridH.LayoutSettings.DisplayDetailsOnUnhandledError = false; webGridH.LayoutSettings.AllowSelectColumns = SelectColumns.Yes; webGridH.LayoutSettings.VerboseEditingInformation = true; webGridH.LayoutSettings.ResetNewRowValuesOnError = false; webGridH.LayoutSettings.PagingDetectPartialGroupRows = true; webGridH.LayoutSettings.RestoreExpandedChildRows = true; webGridH.LayoutSettings.ColumnHeaders = ColumnVisibility.Yes; webGridH.LayoutSettings.ColumnFooters = ColumnVisibility.No; e.Layout.RowHighlightType = RowHighlightType.BackgroundOnly; webGridH.LayoutSettings.Hierarchical = true;
Is there something more that is needed or incorrect?
After test and apply each settings into WebGrid, I found that disabling the row header, by setting the value of RowHeaders property to “No”, may have caused the column align issue.
You can either have the RowHeaders property enabled or replace the xhtml transitional doctype with the html doctype in order to avoid the column align issue.
Please let us hear your response.
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