WebGrid Embedded Template Controls Not Processed On Fly Postbacks

9 replies. Last post: June 3, 2011 6:48 AM by Handy Surya
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A YousifMember

We have an editable grid that adds rows with two columns containing our custom check box.  These rows are created successfully with the check boxes.  However, we run into several issues:

  • When the control is created dynamically, the client-side javascript init code is not executed even though it's rendered successfully.  Verified with IE's F12 to show the code.
  • After the controls are created and the page is posted back, the controls are not recognized as part of the page, e.g., the control's LoadPostData is never hit and the control never gets processed and therefore any checked box is not recognized.  Once the normal page or partial-page (but not fly post) occurs, then the control is recognized

Can you please address this and help us with a workaround please?

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