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I've implemented the localization on the grid and it's working fine from both the embedded resources and the physical files. We'll be using the physical files so we can customize as needed.
However, in doing this, I immediately noticed missing text in the context menus for Japanese and French. I'm sure others are missing too. Deutch is fine so I compared the language files and you can see the difference and the missing text. Do you happen to have a complete set of language files that are 100% translated you can provide please?
This is the Deutch (de-DE) column context menu entries:
<ContextMenu> <Column> <SortAsc>Sortierung aufsteigend</SortAsc> <SortDesc>Sortierung absteigend</SortDesc> <GroupByThisField>Gruppierung nach diesem Feld</GroupByThisField> <UngroupField>Gruppierung für dieses Feld aufheben</UngroupField> <GroupByBox>Gruppierungsfeld</GroupByBox> <RemoveColumn>Spalte entfernen</RemoveColumn> <BestFit>Größe optimal anpassen</BestFit> <FilterBar>Filterzeile</FilterBar> <SelectColumns>Spalten auswählen</SelectColumns> <ApplyChanges>Änderungen übernehmen</ApplyChanges> <Reset>Zurücksetzen</Reset> <FreezePane>Spalte fixieren</FreezePane> <UnfreezePane>Spalte freigeben</UnfreezePane> <SortAscText>Sortierung A bis Z</SortAscText> <SortAscNumber>Sortierung Klein nach Groß</SortAscNumber> <SortAscDate>Sortierung Alt nach Neu</SortAscDate> <SortAscBool>Sortierung Unmarkiert nach Markiert</SortAscBool> <SortDescText>Sortierung Z bis A</SortDescText> <SortDescNumber>Sortierung Groß nach Klein</SortDescNumber> <SortDescDate>Sortierung Neu nach Alt</SortDescDate> <SortDescBool>Sortierung Markiert nach Unmarkiert</SortDescBool> <ClearFilter>Lösche Filter</ClearFilter> <TextFilters>Text Filter</TextFilters> <NumberFilters>Nummer Filter</NumberFilters> <DateFilters>Datums Filter</DateFilters> <BoolFilters>Filter</BoolFilters> </Column> ...
Compared to Francais (fr-FR) which has many entries missing:
<ContextMenu> <Column> <SortAsc>Tri croissant</SortAsc> <SortDesc>Tri décroissant</SortDesc> <GroupByThisField>Regrouper par ce champ</GroupByThisField> <UngroupField>Ne pas regrouper par ce champ</UngroupField> <GroupByBox>Boîte de regroupement</GroupByBox> <RemoveColumn>Supprimer la colonne</RemoveColumn> <BestFit>Ajuster la taille</BestFit> <FilterBar>Barre de Filtre</FilterBar> <SelectColumns>Sélecteur de champs</SelectColumns> <ApplyChanges>Appliquer les changements</ApplyChanges> <Reset>Réinitialiser</Reset> </Column> ...
and Japanese (ja-JP) which also is missing entries:
<ContextMenu> <Column> <SortAsc>並び替え-昇順</SortAsc> <SortDesc>並び替え-降順</SortDesc> <GroupByThisField>このフィールドをグループ化</GroupByThisField> <UngroupField>このフィールドのグループ化を解除</UngroupField> <GroupByBox>ボックスでグループ化</GroupByBox> <RemoveColumn>列を除去</RemoveColumn> <BestFit>ベストフィット</BestFit> <FilterBar>フィルターバー</FilterBar> <SelectColumns>列を選択</SelectColumns> <ApplyChanges>変更をかける</ApplyChanges> <Reset>リセット</Reset> </Column> ...
Hi Yousif,
As you noticed, some of text are missing in some localization languange. Currently, we don't have much resources to collect all the language text. Sometimes, we asked our customer who live in another country or region to help us by collecting the languanges. As you also knew, you can also fill the empty text in xml language localization at our commonLibrary. After completed the text, would you mind also to help us by sending us the xml?
I found a typo. "Switch" is misspelled in "Swith to Grid View" with the "c" missing.
Yes, Thank you for the info. Btw, After you filled the xml for missing text, could you help us by sending the xml to us? We will really appreciate it if you can help us.
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