Tab Key Navigation to Next WebGridColoumn not working with WebInput NumericInput True

6 replies. Last post: October 24, 2010 9:41 PM by Glenn Layaar
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I have a WebGrid with a WebGridColumn having CustomEditorName="WebInputNET".  The Tab Key does not take me to the next column when I am in Edit Mode for the Column.

To reproduce this modify the WebGrid Samples WebGrid/IntegrationwithWebInput.NET.aspx

- Add NumericInput = "true" to ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInput2".

- Go into EditMode for Freight and Press the Tab Key

This is not the case with a StandAlone WebInput as in the WebInput Samples, WebInput/FirstExperience.aspx.  The Tab Key takes me to the next control.

I can I enable the Tab Key?


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