Set others control visibility on Grid's InitializePostback?

1 reply. Last post: April 20, 2010 5:01 PM by Handy Surya
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Looking over the samples, the RenderControl method looks like the appropiate choice for this. I need to reset some controls visibility after the grid refreshes/sorts. I have a button that's initially invisible and want to turn it visible during the InitializePostback event when the action matches sort/refresh.

<asp:Button id="btnInc" runat="server" Text="Increment Vessel" OnClick="btnInc_Click" Visible="false" />

 And my handler declaration...

protected void InitializePostback(object sender, PostbackEventArgs e)
                btnInc.Text = "Dummy";
                btnInc.Visible = true;


This is not working as is... what am I missing?


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