RefreshAll and CustomEditor, Object required

8 replies. Last post: November 10, 2010 9:00 PM by Glenn Layaar
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We are using WebGrid Version 2009 R2 SP1.

we are using the CustomEditor NumericUpDown, we have a strange error 'Object required' after calling the method WebGrid1.RefreshAll() on client side (Jscript).
The attached file contains your example change in order to reproduce the error.
Step to follow to reproduce:
1. run the page CustomEditorTypes.aspx (contained in the attached rar file)
2. enter in edit mode in any field, On webGrid1, set with CustomEditorName="NumericUpDown", for example UnitsInStock
3. click in WebGrid2 in oder to losing focus on WebGrid1 (where i put the the code to run RefreshAll()
function WebGrid1_OnLostFocus(controlId) {
        var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId);

        var retvalue = true;


        return retvalue;
 4. enter in edit mode in any field, On webGrid1, set with CustomEditorName="NumericUpDown", for example UnitsInStock
 5. there is the error:
Object required





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