Need to add a edittype and columntype dynamically

1 reply. Last post: November 16, 2011 8:46 PM by Yudi
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I have a grid with 50 rows.  I need to create one column that contains dropdowns, checkboxes, and textboxes based on certain criteria's from another column in the grid.  How do I do this?   I am trying to use the Initialize row event of the grid.

protected void WebGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
  WebGridCellCollection cells = e.Row.Cells;

 if (e.Row.Type == RowType.Record)
     switch (cells.GetNamedItem("OptControl").Value.ToString())
         case "1":
            cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Column.EditType = EditType.TextBox;
            cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Column.ColumnType = ColumnType.Text;
          case "2":
              cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Column.EditType = EditType.Checkbox;
              cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Column.ColumnType = ColumnType.CheckBox;
         case "3":
             cells.GetNamedItem("Value").Column.EditType = EditType.DropdownList;
             WebValueList gridColumn = WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("Value").ValueList;
             gridColumn.DataSource = xTranslate.GetTranslateDisplayListFromDataTable(cells.GetNamedItem("OptTranslate_Cd").Value.ToString(), "1""2",false);
             gridColumn.DataValueField = "Key";
             gridColumn.DataTextField = "Value";


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