Multiline and Rowspan

1 reply. Last post: November 2, 2009 4:13 AM by Yudi
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Brian W RiceMember

I have set the allowmultiline to true on a column in my webgrid.  I also created a second row so I can span the last column in my webgrid.  However, I don't want the cells in columns 1 and 2 to appear.  I just want column1, column2 and multilined column 3.  How do I do this?  I have attached a picture of my grid.  Here is the XML:


<ColumnSets> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumnSet Caption="ColumnSet0" ColumnCount="4" Name="ColumnSet0" Width="400px"> <Layout> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout ColumnMember="Select" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="1" ColumnMember="GoalID" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="2" ColumnMember="Name" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="3" ColumnMember="Goal" Spanned="Row" RowSpan="2" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Row="1" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="1" Row="1" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="2" Row="1" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout Col="3" Row="1" /> </Layout> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumnSet> </ColumnSets>
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