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Is there a way to limit the number of available formats for export that shows up in the export context menu for the grid? Say we don't want to offer TIF among some other options...
Hi Guillermo Montes,
Yes, that would be a new event on R2, apologize for that. You can use the OnAfterInitialize client event instead. Here is the workaround:
function WebGrid1_OnAfterInitialize(controlId) { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.ExportTypeList = new Array("PDF", "EXCEL", "XML"); grid.ExportWndAttr = "height= 500, width= 700, scrollbars= yes, status= yes, toolbar= no, menubar= yes, location= no, resizable= yes"; return true; }
I hope it helps and please, do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Yes, there is a way to hide the specific export context menu. We need to use client side event OnExportContextMenu. Here is the sample code to hide the Excel menu.
function WebGrid1_OnExportContextMenu(controlId, table, menu, location) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); menu.Items[6].Hide(); return true; }
I hope it helps and please, do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions, Thank you.
Best Regards,Andi Santoso.
Hi Andi,
Thanks for your reply. I'm guessing this should be under LayoutSettings\ClientSieEvents... We have WebStudio 2009 R1 SP1. I see that event is a new client side event on your 'New UI Enhacements' page. Is this for R2?
Thanks Andi,
The workaround works great!
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