How to get proper FlypostbackAction in server when using UpdateUI and Refresh on client-side

1 reply. Last post: March 10, 2010 6:14 AM by Handy Surya
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Mike DearmanMember

Using the Client Programmatic UI sample as a testbed, the AddGroupColumn() method adds a WebGridGroup, called UpdateUI on the table then called the grid's RefreshAll method.

On the server-side, how can you see that the client action was a ColumnGroup action?

In previous versions of the WebGrid (3.5), this normally comes across in the FlyPostbackAction string.


Normally when the Refresh or RefreshAll flypostback action is fired, I re-retrieve the data from the database and reset all grid/table/column properties to their defaults.  However, I can't tell the difference between a user just grouping from the client-side and really refreshing.

Any ideas?


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