How to access hidden cloumn Values of webgrid7 from client side?

3 replies. Last post: March 22, 2010 10:28 PM by Andi Santoso
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Gaurav DesaiMember


We have used WebGrid7 in sharepoint webpart. the grid is created dynamically from serverside. We have implementd self hirechical grid. We have few columns which we want to use for manipulations on client side, but at the same time we dont want to display the same to the end users.

We have tried to access the same using following code, but as the column is hidden we are not able to access the value.

var grid = ISGetObject( [Grid ID] );
        var selObj = grid.GetSelectedObject();
        var row = selObj.GetRowObject(); // get the WebGridRow object
        if (row.Type == "Record")
            // obtain WebGridCellCollection of the specified row.
            var cells = row.GetCells();

            // get the WebGridCell object by name.
            alert( cells.GetNamedItem( [Hidden Coulmn Name] ) );

The above example displayed Null value

Please anyone can resolve this or let me know what is otherway to achive the same thing ?




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