Hierarchical WebGrid with custom strongly type classes

43 replies. Last post: May 20, 2010 10:53 AM by Shawn August
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Shawn AugustMember

I have searched the tutorials/samples/forum for a way to bind a custom strongly typed class to a hierarchial WebGrid.  In previous examples, I have used the WebGrid's OnInitializeDataSource event to retrieve a custom strongly typed object/class via a web service and bound to the WebGrid's DataSource property.


However, I am having problems using the hierarchal features of the WebGrid. The custom class has is flat and contains both header/child data and a relationship can be formed by various "ID" fields within the object. For example, consider the following data within the TransactionList object (List<TransactionList> data)

TransactionHeaderID  TransactionHeaderName TransactionQueueID TransactionQueueName

1                                  Header 1                         1                                Queue 1

1                                  Header 1                         2                                Queue 2

2                                  Header 2                         3                                Queue 3


Is there a way using this data to have Header 1 with Queue 1/2 and Header 2 with Queue 3?

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