Group by Box javascript error

2 replies. Last post: April 23, 2012 8:49 AM by Questica Support
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WebGrid version: 7.0.7200.532

Steps to Reproduce:

  • "Group by" a field.  In our case it's a lookup field with a WebValueList.
  • Reveal the "group by" box on a grid that supports grouping.  You will see the column represented in the Group By box as a rectangle.
  • Click on the rectangle in the Group By box.
Expected: should flip the sort direction of the group.
Actual (see screenshot): 
  1. A javascript error is thrown: Unable to set value of the property 'sortOrder': object is null or undefined. ISRes.axd?G/WebGrid_UI.jd/707200532 Line 7 Char 33654.
  2. The rectangle shrinks. Clicking it again shrinks it more.
  3. The group sort doesn't flip.
Thanks for any help you can offer on this!

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