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I'm using the latest Webgrid/WebUI version and noticed an error on filtering columns with localized datetime columns (when I apply the filter - flypostback). The WebgridRow:
iswebgrid:WebGridColumn DataFormatString="d" DataType="System.DateTime" Caption="Creation date" DataMember="dtCreate" EditType="NoEdit" Name="dtCreate" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" Width="70px" Visible="True"
This bug must have been introduced in .215 I think, it worked until recently.
The error stack is:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. [FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.] System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles) 4582898 System.Data.ConstNode..ctor(DataTable table, ValueType type, Object constant, Boolean fParseQuotes) 557 System.Data.ConstNode..ctor(DataTable table, ValueType type, Object constant) 14 System.Data.ExpressionParser.Parse() 1032 System.Data.DataExpression..ctor(DataTable table, String expression, Type type) 154 System.Data.DataView.set_RowFilter(String value) 188 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataBinding.??(WebGrid grid, WebGridTable table, DataView dataSource) 3029 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataBinding. (DataView dataSource, String dataMember, String request) 688 ISNet.WebUI.ISNetControl.ControlRequestHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e) 426
[Exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.] ISNet.WebUI.ISNetControl.ControlRequestHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e) 789 System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) 0 System.Web.UI.Control.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) 11022094 System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() 108 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 3394
What does 'Localized DateTime' mean? Could you please guide me? I followed your WebGridColumn settings but it seems i am still missing something when try to replicate your issue.
By "localized" I mean that I set the webgrid's .LayoutSettings.Culture to German ("de-DE") or Italian ("it-IT") and TextSettings="UseCulture".
Ok, before that have you tested in .216 hotfix? .216 is our latest WebGrid6 hotfix. Please let me know if you still encounter the same issue.
Yes, I've upgraded all components to the latest version (Webgrid .216).
I tested out with your settings but it works in here. Here is my attached sample. Please let me know whether it works on your or not.
Ok I can reproduce the error with your example. Just try to insert this in your web.config, under system.web
<globalization culture="it-IT" />
and compile/reload the page.
Thank you for your guidance. I can see the issue in here now. I will discuss to our developer and will let you know if this is a bug or not.
Any news? This is very important to me.
Stefan, this issue has been fixed, and the fix will be available in this month's hotfix due sometime next week. Thanks.
Is there a fix yet?
Yes, we have release new hotfix yesterday. You can try to update it via UpdateManager.
I'm afraid that the bug hasn't been fixed completely with 6.0.7200.217. It works only using English as Webgrid-Culture. Here a little table:
Webgrid-Language .216 .217
English error okay
German okay okay
Italian error error
Have you also applied Framework update? Please also ensure that in your project bin folder, all the assemblies are the latest.
yes, I updated also the Web.UI assemblies, running them with local copy in bin.
I am sorry that I am late to response you. I have worked on some test and yes, as you said. The issue still appeared when used Italian. I have reported back to our developer team. I will let you know in a short time.
Could you please give me an update on the status of this bug. Or otherwise, is there a workaround?
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