Disabled WebGrid allowing input

5 replies. Last post: October 19, 2010 11:13 PM by Yudi
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Shawn AugustMember

I have a WebGrid using BatchUpdate and need a way to prevent the user from entering input. The WebGrid's "Enabled" property prevents the user from clicking into a cell and entering data. However, if the Grid has focus the user can still enter data into the cells. They cannot click on a cell and enter but they can tab from cell to cell and use the keyboard.

Also, is there a way to update the Grid's UI to show the Grid is disabled via JavaScript?

   function <%=this.ClientID%>_SetEnabled(isEnabled) 
            // Enable/Disable
            var treatyClaimsGrid = ISGetObject("<%=this.grdTreatyClaims.ClientID%>");
            if (treatyClaimsGrid == null) { return; }
            if (isEnabled == false) 
            treatyClaimsGrid.Enabled = isEnabled;            
        catch (ex) { ShowJSException(ex); }
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