Disable edit/delete through LayoutSetting doesn't work right in a flypostback action WebGrid7.0

3 replies. Last post: November 2, 2009 4:29 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Yuting ZhuMember

I have a dropdownlist on the form and the selected value controls the edit mode of the webgrid on a flypostback action. I call webgrid.RefreshAll on list changes the selection.  On event _webGrid_InitializeLayout, set the AllowAddNew, AllowEdit, AllowDelete based on the list selection. When they are all set to false, you got a client error when you tries to edit a cell, you can even delete a row. You still got the Add New Row, Edit, Delete option on the context menu. The layoutsetting does not work correctly on a flypostback.

The attached is a working sample. Please check TestLayoutForm and try selecting 2008.

Is this a bug? Please advise me how to make it work properly.



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