ColumnSet problems

5 replies. Last post: May 27, 2011 3:59 AM by Handy Surya
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John BoninMember

Using WebGrid version 7.0.7200.419.  I am creating a ColumnSet programatically within the PrepareDataBinding event.  Based upon a criteria the user selects, in this event, some fields are made invisible prior to creating the columnset.  For example, there is a Center, Division and State fields.  if the user selects Center, than Division and State is hidden.  If selects State that all 3 fields are shown.  When the ColumnSet is created, again if the Center is selected than the Columnset for the State and Division fields are not created.  This works good, except when I try to sort on any field by clicking on the column header.  No fields are sorted and Firebug shows an error in WebGrid_code.js/707200419, v23c29 is null "var WG40 = { COLHEADER: "CH", COLFOOTE...utSettings.HelpURL; if (veab23 == "")


But if the users State and no fields are hidden and all columnsets are created than everything works fine.


Any ideas?  Whats the best way to have multiple ColumnSets based upon the criteria a users selects? Hiding fields etcs?




Also with IE 7, the above is very slow and after about 3 clicks, crashes IE? 

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