Adding new Feature request

5 replies. Last post: May 18, 2010 10:02 AM by T Lusby
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I am trying to add a new feature request and the site is giving me errors when I try to do so.  I am attaching a screen shot of the error.  When I select a product the topoic dropdown does not have any values in it.  Then, I get an error when I try to save.


Can someone please request this new feature for me?

Description: The WebInput does not allow the user to enter a decimal point.  Need the ability to enter decimals. In this example, you can see it does not allow the user to type 52.22.  (

Also, the user should not be able to enter past a specified format defined...for example if the format is definied as format="0000#.####" .  The user should not be able to type 5.12345.  The user should be able to type 5.1234

Also, see your example in your WebInput class for C# for DisplayAndFormatNumericFormat.aspx.  The user is forced to enter 000000.9 instead of being able to type just .9

This functionality need to exist for a WebInput standalone control as well as in the grid.



Problem Statement: The WebInput does not allow the user to enter a decimal point.  Need the ability to enter decimals. In this example, you can see it does not allow the user to type 52.22.  (


Proposed Solution: Also, the user should not be able to enter past a specified format defined...for example if the format is definied as format="0000#.####" .  The user should not be able to type 5.12345.  The user should be able to type 5.1234

This functionality need to exist for a WebInput standalone control as well as in the grid.

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